AH111 History of Architecture
History of Architecture is an introductory course with no prerequisites. By the end of the class students will have considered the many ways in which architecture expresses practical, religious, political or ceremonial values. Why do the great architectural monuments of the past look so different from each other? Why have concepts of order in architecture varied over the centuries? How have cultures widely separated in space and time used architecture to embody their values?
What criteria should we use to judge our contemporary built environment? Whose concept of order should we follow? That of a renowned architect capable of designing a beautiful, functional and stable structure? The economic order of a developer that produces the most "product" for the money? The logic of a city planner who creates distinct zones for different functions, residential, commercial, industrial, etc.? The plans of a traffic engineer who seeks to move automobiles quickly and efficiently through a neighborhood? The vision of an environmentalist whose plans would make optimum use of energy? How do the choices each individual makes about her/his architectural environment add up to the appearances of our homes, campuses, and cities?