Course Syllabus

Welcome to MA 126 Calculus 1 (Block 3)

Professor:   Luis David García Puente

Office:   Tutt Science Center 206B


Classroom:   Tutt Science Center 101

Time and Days:   Monday–Friday 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Quizzes: Monday–Friday 2:00-3:00 pm (TSC 101)

Office hours:  Monday–Friday 3:00–4:00 pm (TSC 101)

Learning Assistant: Caroline Brose  (text msg: 952 221 2807)

Problem Sessions (with Caroline): Monday-Friday 5:00-6:00 pm (TSC 101)

Paraprofessional: Alex Wagner

Homework Platform: Edfinity (access through Canvas)

Course Description:

This course explores the basic concepts of analytic geometry, limits (including indeterminate forms), derivatives, and integrals. The topics covered will include graphs, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions. Applications will be covered, including those involving rectilinear motion, differentials, related rates, graphing, and optimization. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Scientific Investigation of the Natural World requirement. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Quantitative Reasoning requirement.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • compute limits of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.
  • calculate derivatives of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.
  • evaluate integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.
  • interpret limits, derivatives and integrals in a variety of contexts.
  • apply derivatives and integrals to solve physics, economic, geometric, and/or other problems.
  • properly apply major theorems.

Course Content:

  • Real numbers, coordinate systems in two dimensions, lines, functions.
  • Introduction to limits, definition of limits, theorems on limits, one-sided limits, computation of limits using numerical, graphical, and algebraic approaches; continuity and differentiability of functions, determining if a function is continuous at a real number; limits at infinity, asymptotes; introduction to derivatives and the limit definition of the derivative at a real number and as a function.
  • Use of differentiation theorems, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions, the chain rule, implicit differentiation, differentiation of inverse functions, higher order derivatives, use derivatives for applications including equation of tangent lines and related rates, and differentials.
  • Local and absolute extrema of functions; Rolle's theorem and the Mean Value Theorem; the first derivative test, the second derivative test, concavity; graphing functions using first and second derivatives, concavity, and asymptotes; applications of extrema including optimization, antiderivatives, indeterminate forms, and L'Hopital's rule.
  • Sigma notation, area, evaluating the definite integral as a limit, properties of the integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus including computing integrals, and integration by substitution.


Great newsyour textbook for this class is available for free online!
Calculus, Volume 1 from OpenStax, ISBN 1-947172-13-1

You have several options to obtain this book:

You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended. 

Course Structure:

This course is designed around the principles of active learning and classroom dialogue. You will be asked to read sections ahead of class in order that more class time can be used for engaging with the material. If you do not do the reading, the class time will not be as useful to you.

Students are expected to minimize distracting behaviors. In particular, every attempt should be made to arrive to class on time. If you must arrive late or leave early, please do not disrupt class. Please turn off the ringer on your cell phone. I do not have a strict policy on the use of laptops, tablets, and cell phones. You are expected to be paying attention and engaging in class discussions. If your cell phone, etc. is interfering with your ability (or that of another student) to do this, then put it away, or I may ask you to put it away.

  • Class time: The morning 9 AM-Noon class time will consist of a mixture of lecture, discussion, group work, and individual problem solving. You should come to class for all scheduled sessions. If you can’t make it to class, contact your professor as soon as possible. Before class, you should read the assigned sections for the day. The latest class schedule, assignments, and other relevant information will be kept up to date on the class Canvas site. Please make sure that you have access to Canvas by the end of day 1 and check the site daily to keep up with changes.
  • Problem Sessions: The problem sessions exist so that you can ask additional questions, discuss, and work with your classmates while having access to the professor, learning assistant, or paraprof. These are optional but are highly encouraged and can be incredibly helpful.
  • Homework (30%): Homework will be assigned using the online Edfinity platform. You will need to purchase one month of access to this tool, which will cost $7.99. Homework will be accepted up to 2 days late, at a deduction of 10%.  You are encouraged to work in groups on your homework, and to seek help from your classmates, learning assistant, and professor. Submitted work must reflect your own understanding and efforts on the material, however.
  • Learning Target Quizzes (50%): There will be six different in-class learning target quizzes. These quizzes must be only your own work, with closed book and only specified resources. Each learning target will be graded "S" for "satisfactory" or "N" for "not yet satisfactory".  Your grade for this part is the percentage of skills you earned an “S” on. You will have 3 scheduled chances to quiz on each problem.  There are 28 learning targets on which you will be expected to demonstrate topic mastery. An "S" on a target earns full credit.
  • Exams (20%): There will be a midterm scheduled on Friday, November 5 and a final exam due on Wednesday, November 17. The final exam is comprehensive.

Special Schedule Days:

The first day, class will be held from  9:00 - 10:30 AM and 1:30-3:00 PM.

Commitment to the Learning Community:

In our classroom, diversity and individual differences are respected, appreciated, and recognized as a source of strength. I encourage classroom dialogue both between students and instructor and among students. Respectful speech and behavior are essential to open dialogue. Any student speaking or behaving disrespectfully to the instructor or other students will immediately be asked to leave the classroom. However, I welcome respectful and constructive feedback on the course. Please send an email or make an appointment to visit my office in person if you have feedback that you think could benefit the course. If you experience, or witness any person in this class experiencing, unfair or disrespectful treatment in the context of this class, I ask you to let me know immediately, by email or in person. If you need to remain anonymous, please put a note containing as much information as you can offer under my office door, or leave a note in my mailbox in the math office.

Mathematical ability and intelligence are not fixed or innate qualities. Both can be developed through exercise, in the form of challenging problems, discussion, and inquiry. We learn math by trying many things, making many mistakes, and asking many questions. Questions, mistakes, and confusion are proof of progress, not evidence of failure. Please think hard about these facts as you begin another intense mathematical experience.

You should struggle and have questions in this course. You should work in class, on homework, and form study groups with your peers, who will be able to help with many things. There are also many other resources available for help (see below). When you reach out, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to take a few minutes to formulate a question that makes your point of confusion as clear as possible. You might find that, in forming that question, you have actually gotten much closer to the answer.


Help is available in many forms! In addition to the afternoon office hours and problem sessions, the math department’s paraprofessional Alex Wagner is available to answer questions during his work day. Alex’s office is just off the math lounge on the second floor of Tutt Science Center. Other tutors are also available at the QRC in Tutt Library to answer questions. The QRC is open Sunday through Thursday afternoons and evenings 2-10 PM. Individual and study group tutors are also available through the QRC. You are also very welcome to make an appointment with me to meet outside of office hours/problem sessions to get extra help or discuss a topic beyond what our class time allows.

Accessibility Resources:

 If you experience a disability and anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me. I would like us to discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course, as well as talk about how best to coordinate your accommodations. Additionally, if you have not already done so, please connect with Accessibility Resources, the office responsible for coordinating accommodations and services for students with disabilities:, 719-227-8285, Armstrong 219.

Honor Code:

Students are expected to fully understand Colorado College’s Honor Code. The Honor Code defines academic integrity by three interrelated criteria: honesty, integrity, and fairness. Students must uphold these standards in their academic pursuits. Any suspected violation of the Honor Code will be referred to the Honor Council.

Reviewing material from previous courses and looking up definitions and theorems/facts you may have forgotten is fair game. However, when it comes to completing assignments for this course, you should not look to resources outside the context of this course for help. That is, you should not be consulting the web, other texts, other faculty, or students outside of our course in an attempt to find solutions to the problems you are assigned. On the other hand, you may use each other, the course notes, me, and your own intuition. If you feel you need additional resources, please come talk to me and we will come up with an appropriate plan of action.

Changes to the Syllabus: 

Any changes to this syllabus made during the term will be properly communicated to the class.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due